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Musk: The total length of the wiring harness for a vehicle will be reduced to less than 100m.

In 2019, Tesla founder Musk once made a high-profile announcement that the wiring harness of the Model Y vehicle would be shortened to within 100m. At that time, he also announced a patent related to Tesla's wiring harness, adjusted domain control, and grouped multiple wiring harness components into one component, such as a door controller that can control multiple devices, including door locks, lighting, audio, and more.

At that time, the automotive industry was quite sensational. It should be noted that reducing car wiring harnesses was something that the automotive industry was exploring. So Musk personally stood up and erected this Flag, which is enough to show the weight of this link. Among Tesla's models, the overall wiring harness length of the Model S is 3km, while the wiring harness length of the Model 3 is 1.5km. The wiring harness length is decreasing at a visible speed, coupled with Musk's influence and almost paranoid technological craze, everyone is basically believing it and eagerly anticipating whether there will be any black technology in the wiring harness field. Some people say that SpaceX's technology will also be used in Model Y.

But as Model Y began to be delivered in 2021, the scrapping teams eagerly picked up wrenches and screwdrivers to explore this big toy. However, as a result, Musk's face was severely hit, and the wiring harness length of the entire Model Y vehicle did not decrease, reaching 1.9KM, far exceeding the claimed 100m, and even exceeding the 1.5km of Model 3. However, although the Flag of Model Y has collapsed, it also incorporates many new attempts from Tesla, such as the introduction of flexible circuit board FPC technology. With the same length, multiple transmission channels can be used to shorten the length of the wiring harness.

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