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Emergency measures taken in daily situations of wire insulation damage

In daily production and household electrical wiring processes, damage such as short circuits, burning, and aging often occur. So, what measures can effectively prevent wire insulation damage and better protect the normal operation of wires and cables. The following are three emergency measures taken in daily situations of wire insulation damage.

(1) The current passing through the wire should not exceed the safe current carrying capacity of the wire;

(2) Do not expose wires to moisture, heat, corrosion, or damage or pressure, and try to prevent wires from passing through places with high temperature, high humidity, corrosive vapors and gases. Wires should be properly protected when passing through areas that are prone to damage;

(3) Regularly inspect and repair the wiring, repair any defects immediately, and replace old and aging wires in a timely manner to ensure the safe operation of the wiring.
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