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What is the performance of the outer sheath of the power cord

Power cords play an important role in our daily life and production. Their main function is to transport electricity. Without power cords, our world would be dark, and electric lights would not be able to light up. Many machines that require electricity would also be unable to operate. What is the performance of the outer sheath of the power cord that makes it the outer sheath of the power cord?

Firstly, the outer sheath of the power cord should have good resistance to high and low temperatures. Summer and winter are two extreme seasons, and the temperature difference in different regions of the world is also very large. For example, in Africa, where the temperature is unbearable for ordinary people, power cords sold to Africa must have very high resistance to high temperatures. For example, in the northern regions of China, the temperature difference in winter can be several tens of degrees compared to that in the south. Therefore, power cords used in areas with temperatures below minus ten degrees and twenty degrees must have good low-temperature resistance.

Secondly, the outer sheath material of the power cord must be environmentally friendly. Environmental protection is the top priority, and the outer sheath of power cords used in industry should use environmentally friendly materials to prevent environmental pollution. Therefore, power cord manufacturers must use environmentally friendly outer sheath materials.

Thirdly, the service life of the outer sheath of the power cord should not be too short. If the service life of the outer sheath of the power cord is too short, it will affect people's daily life and production. If it is used for a long time, it will avoid the problem of frequent replacement of the power cord, and the power cord will not experience such problems due to the aging of the outer sheath. The outer sheath of the power cord serves to protect the inner core, so it is also necessary to understand the performance of the outer sheath of the wire.
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